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BOBY is a celebration of being exactly who you ARE. At the intersection of boldness + creativity, is where Boby lives. A kidswear company born out of the desire to see more representation and inclusivity in the kids apparel space- we seek to amplify voices of children and moms of color- through apparel, community, and mental health awareness.

The problem

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Children deserve to see multitudes of positive representations of themselves in every corner of their world. While various forms of representation have increased in recent years, there is still significant work to be done. As a young mom, Kirsten experienced first hand the underrepresentation that exists for children of color across all facets of society. It was important to Kirsten to dress her daughters in clothing that established a sense of pride in their identities. Finding childrens clothing that met this criteria was hard to come by.

The solution

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There is power in children feeling good in the skin they are in. BOBY seeks to nurture pride in our children’s identities as people of color. Through apparel, community spaces, and mental wellness we’re working toward a world where children of color are celebrated for what makes them the special little people they are.


Our values

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At BOBY we want to celebrate the individual traits that make our little ones unique.  Whether it’s their skin, hair, lips or cheeks, when they see BOBY, we want to ensure they see themselves. 


BOBY apparel is made from 100% organically grown cotton without the use of harmful pesticides.  Our clothes are good for our little ones and minimize the impact to the planet.


Premium Quality.

We carefully curate our collections using premium fabrics that are soft to the touch and gentle on the skin.  This results in clothing that is  lightweight, breathable and constructed for style and durability. 


Our designs and values reflect the importance of everyone who crosses BOBY’s path. We understand the importance of community support, for this reason 10% of our proceeds will go towards an organization that aligns with BOBY’s mission.


Founder story

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Kirsten Corley-Bennett lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.

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Her vision for BOBY was born from her background in Fashion Design and Psychology. Becoming a mom at the age of 24 set Kirsten on a path to build community for mothers everywhere. Having experienced postpartum depression as a young mom, Kirsten deeply values the power of communal support. Her appreciation for community carries over into her role as a mother of Black daughters. Having faced what is required to raise Black girls, Kirsten founded BOBY to address the ways in which children of color are too often misrepresented or underrepresented in kids apparel. BOBY is Kirsten's vision for a community that is centered on self-care, identity, and the mental wellness of children and Mothers.
